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πŸ†˜ γ€’ Need help with the mod?

If you run into any issues with the Stella Mod while using ReShade and FPS Unlocker, there are several resources available to help you out:

✍️ Contact the Developer

  • Contact Me:

    1. Create an account on Sefinek Patron Center or log in if you already have one. Then, create a new ticket (recommended).
    2. Discord: sefinek (recommended)
    3. Steam: Sefinek (recommended)
    4. Email:
  • GitHub Issues: If you have a technical issue or bug to report, you can open an Issue on our GitHub repository for the mod.

πŸ’­ Community

Discord Server: Join our Discord server to ask questions, seek help from other users, and chat with the community.

πŸ“™ Documentation

Documentation: Check out our Documentation for detailed information about Stella.

Please remember that we only offer support for ReShade, FPS Unlocker, and 3DMigoto. We kindly ask users not to request help with issues related to other mods on our Discord server. However, feel free to ask for assistance with Stella Mod.
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