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Below you will find the statistics for Stella Mod. Enjoy reviewing them! Have a nice day.

๐Ÿ“ฅ Stella Mod downloads

Here are the download statistics for Stella Mod directly from our official website. The history of some data may be incomplete, as the collection of statistics was introduced a significant time after the global release of Stella Mod.
Always ensure that you download Stella Mod from a trusted source such as sefinek.net.

๐Ÿ”ข Total downloads


โฐ Last download

๐Ÿช Your timezone

๐Ÿ˜ป Stella Mod Launcher stats

In this category, we present detailed statistics related to the number of times the Stella Mod Launcher program has been initiated. This includes data on how frequently the application is opened, and any notable patterns in user engagement with the launcher.

All Stella Launcher opens


Unique Stella Launcher opens


Opens per country

Opens per version

Opens per system version

Opens per system build

Per day

Per month

Per year

๐ŸŒ Online users - WebSocket

This section provides a comprehensive overview of user connectivity through our WebSocket server, offering real-time insights into active users. Explore dynamic statistics that reveal the current online user count, peak concurrency levels, and geographical distribution of users. Additionally, temporal patterns of usage are visualized, showcasing trends in daily, hourly, monthly, and yearly online activity.

๐Ÿ”‘ Online


๐Ÿญ Peak


Online per country

Online per hour

Online per day

Online per month

Online per year

๐ŸŽฎ Players in the game

Discover how many individuals are currently engaged in the game with the Stella Mod activated. Rest assured, the Stella Mod Launcher operates transparently, performing no undesired actions in the background without your knowledge. This feature ensures a seamless gaming experience, enhancing your play with added functionalities while maintaining a high standard of privacy and security. With Stella Mod, players gain access to a suite of enhancements that elevate the gaming experience. This real-time statistic reflects the popularity and trust in Stella Mod within our community, showcasing the number of active users who have chosen to bring this additional layer of innovation into their gaming sessions.

๐Ÿ’™ Playing now


โฌ†๏ธ Peak


Per country

Per hour

Per day

Per month

Per year

๐ŸŒ WebSocket connections and operations

Familiarize yourself with WebSocket metrics in this section, which includes charts displaying the frequency of messages and heartbeats on an hourly, daily, monthly, and yearly basis.



๐Ÿ”  Cryptographic operations

This section offers a comprehensive overview of cryptographic activities in our systems, presenting statistical data related to encryption and decryption processes. Visitors can view charts that display the frequency and success of cryptographic operations across various timeframes. Cryptography is essential in applications and communication for ensuring data confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity, thereby protecting against unauthorized access and cyber threats. It is pivotal in securing digital transactions and maintaining the privacy of sensitive information.

๐Ÿงถ Encryption

๐Ÿ”ง Decryption

๐Ÿงต Misc

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